CSA June 2022 Recap
It's hard to believe this is our fourth year doing the farm share. I have often felt anxious about the start of the season - there is a lot of pressure to use up all the produce, clean it, prepare it, etc. Somehow this year feels easier. Partially, it is easier, because we have been consistently splitting up the share. But also, I think I better understand the flow of duties each week. Day 1: cut up green onions, chop off carrot and beet greens, wash and freeze kale, spinach swiss chard, or other cooking greens, wash at least 1 head of lettuce if there are no clean salad greens, maybe wash a 2nd lettuce, like radicchio or arugula Day 2: roast zucchini, yellow squash, or beets, wash steam broccoli for freezing, slice turnips, and/or radishes to put on salads or pickle Day 3: pickle radishes, turnips or beets This way, I always have salad greens, which I can use for salad. I do a classic Caesar with rotisserie chicken, parmesan, and croutons, or throw Costco Tuscan bean salad,...