Happy New Year!!

It's a New Year, so I thought I would point out some new things about my blog (and myself) in celebration!

First, I have added meal pricing, in addition to the food allergies and nutrition facts that I was already posting. After doing cooking demonstrations with low-income patients and struggling to provide meals that are reasonably priced, I feel it is important to be aware of the cost of our favorite foods. It makes us aware of how fortunate we are to be able to afford healthy food, and encourages us to consider low-cost alternatives along the way.

The Food Stamp challenge is one way to increase your awareness of this issue. Check out the Food Research and Action Center for more information.

Second, I have a renewed commitment to home cooking. After gaining weight since starting graduate school, cooking at home has allowed me to enjoy new foods, while still being able to control my portions. So, hopefully you will be seeing more posts real soon!

Check out this article from the New York Times, if you don't believe me!


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